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Italian Dried Fruit

  • An intense sauce that takes its name by the popular belief that who eats this sauce goes red in the face, because of its spiciness, and looks like someone cross (arrabbiato in Italian). This Roman recipe is made out of inexpensive ingredients (extra virgin olive oil, garlic, red chili pepper, Pecorino cheese and parsley), but their combined qualities are explosive. A classic dish for short pasta (penne, ziti rigati) it is also good with long rough surfaced pasta.
  • The main ingredient of this savory cream is tender delicate artichoke. The artichoke (Cynara cardunculus) is a very interesting vegetable because of its decisive taste which, combined with almonds, gives this cream an extraordinary taste. It’s an excellent dressing for meat Tortelli (filled fresh pasta) with fresh cream or as a complement to hors d’oeuvres.
  • Only first class ingredients are processed to make this natural and very tasty product: aubergines, extra virgin olive oil and red chili peppers.
  • Extra Virgin Olive oil (EVO oil in recipes) has been in the Mediterranean and Italian culture for thousands of years and it is the main difference in culinary tradition between the Mediterranean and the North European diet. The olive is a fruit with a very long history, dating back to 5000/3000 years BC: it is a pulpy oily fruit that tends to green or to Purple/black once it has ripened. Only when they are perfectly ripe, olives are then pressed making sure the temperature of the paste doesn’t rise too much, in order to obtain a high quality extra virgin olive oil.
  • Extra Virgin Olive oil (EVO oil in recipes) has been in the Mediterranean and Italian culture for thousands of years and it is the main difference in culinary tradition between the Mediterranean and the North European diet. The olive is a fruit with a very long history, dating back to 5000/3000 years BC: it is a pulpy oily fruit that tends to green or to Purple/black once it has ripened. Only when they are perfectly ripe, olives are then pressed making sure the temperature of the paste doesn’t rise too much, in order to obtain a high quality extra virgin olive oil.
  • Extra Virgin Olive oil (EVO oil in recipes) has been in the Mediterranean and Italian culture for thousands of years and it is the main difference in culinary tradition between the Mediterranean and the North European diet. The olive is a fruit with a very long history, dating back to 5000/3000 years BC: it is a pulpy oily fruit that tends to green or to Purple/black once it has ripened. Only when they are perfectly ripe, olives are then pressed making sure the temperature of the paste doesn’t rise too much, in order to obtain a high quality extra virgin olive oil.
  • Extra Virgin Olive oil (EVO oil in recipes) has been in the Mediterranean and Italian culture for thousands of years and it is the main difference in culinary tradition between the Mediterranean and the North European diet. The olive is a fruit with a very long history, dating back to 5000/3000 years BC: it is a pulpy oily fruit that tends to green or to Purple/black once it has ripened. Only when they are perfectly ripe, olives are then pressed making sure the temperature of the paste doesn’t rise too much, in order to obtain a high quality extra virgin olive oil.
  • Extra Virgin Olive oil (EVO oil in recipes) has been in the Mediterranean and Italian culture for thousands of years and it is the main difference in culinary tradition between the Mediterranean and the North European diet. The olive is a fruit with a very long history, dating back to 5000/3000 years BC: it is a pulpy oily fruit that tends to green or to Purple/black once it has ripened. Only when they are perfectly ripe, olives are then pressed making sure the temperature of the paste doesn’t rise too much, in order to obtain a high quality extra virgin olive oil.
  • When the Greeks founded Naples in VIII Century BC, they adopted a dish prepared by the natives, a sort of pasta made with barley-flour and water and dried in the sun  which they called “macaria” very close to what today is called “maccheroni”. There are references to pasta in Roman times starting in the III century b.C.; following this, in Cicerone’s works dating to the 1st Century b.C. we find him writing about his passion for “laganas” that were sheets of pasta made with wheat flour and  water, very similar to what today we call “lasagna”.
  • Extra Virgin Olive oil (EVO oil in recipes) has been in the Mediterranean and Italian culture for thousands of years and it is the main difference in culinary tradition between the Mediterranean and the North European diet. The olive is a fruit with a very long history, dating back to 5000/3000 years BC: it is a pulpy oily fruit that tends to green or to Purple/black once it has ripened. Only when they are perfectly ripe, olives are then pressed making sure the temperature of the paste doesn’t rise too much, in order to obtain a high quality extra virgin olive oil.
  • Extra Virgin Olive oil (EVO oil in recipes) has been in the Mediterranean and Italian culture for thousands of years and it is the main difference in culinary tradition between the Mediterranean and the North European diet. The olive is a fruit with a very long history, dating back to 5000/3000 years BC: it is a pulpy oily fruit that tends to green or to Purple/black once it has ripened. Only when they are perfectly ripe, olives are then pressed making sure the temperature of the paste doesn’t rise too much, in order to obtain a high quality extra virgin olive oil.
  • Extra Virgin Olive oil (EVO oil in recipes) has been in the Mediterranean and Italian culture for thousands of years and it is the main difference in culinary tradition between the Mediterranean and the North European diet. The olive is a fruit with a very long history, dating back to 5000/3000 years BC: it is a pulpy oily fruit that tends to green or to Purple/black once it has ripened. Only when they are perfectly ripe, olives are then pressed making sure the temperature of the paste doesn’t rise too much, in order to obtain a high quality extra virgin olive oil.


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